promtechkomplect Jsc


Promtechkomplect jSC is one of the leading distributors of
electronic parts, as well as metalworking, testin8 and testing
equipment for industrial projects. The company has been on the
market for mоrе than 25 years, has extensive ехреriепсе in
supplying products from global manufacturers and а wide
product portfolio for completin8 strategic projects.


Российская Федерация, 1,4З441,, Московская обл., КрасногорскиЙ раЙон, пос. Путилково, 69 км МКАД,
Бизнес-парк <Гринвуд>, строение 9, З этаж
9 Greenwood Business Park, 69 km MKAD, Putilkovo, Moscow Region, 14З441 Russia
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