ООО «ЛИССТехнологии»

Grinding and stripping machines, leveling machines, roller bending, other sheet metalworking equipment, the company is the official representative of European and Asian manufacturers, carries out supply, installation and commissioning, warranty and post-warranty service, supply of consumables and spare parts.
Адрес Г. Москва, г.Зеленоград, корп.815, кв.279/ Moscow, Zelenograd, bldg.815, sq.279
Teл. +7 (916) 330-34-74, +7 (916)880-58-87
Email m.polkovnikova@lisstech.ru, V.Polkovnikov@lisstech.ru
Teл. +7 (916) 330-34-74, +7 (916)880-58-87
Email m.polkovnikova@lisstech.ru, V.Polkovnikov@lisstech.ru
Contact persons of company
Полковников ВладимирГенеральный директор
Полковникова МарияВедущий менеджер