We are a company with extensive experience in the
selection and supply of tools to enterprises in the Russian
Federation. We have a tool warehouse in St. Petersburg.
Basic items are always in stock. Organized logistics allows
you to quickly deliver tools. We always increase our
product range based on your needs. Competent and
technically savvy employees of our company will always
answer your questions and help with the selection of
197348, г Санкт-Петербург, пр-кт Коломяжский, Дом 18, Литер А, Помещение 51-Н,
Офис 4П. / 197348, St. Petersburg, Kolomyazhsky Ave., Building 18, Liter A, Room 51-N,
Office 4P.
Офис 4П. / 197348, St. Petersburg, Kolomyazhsky Ave., Building 18, Liter A, Room 51-N,
Office 4P.