
CJSC "EMIS" is a leading Russian manufacturer of automation equipment for technological processes including oil and gas industry. Since 2003 the company has been supplying control and measuring equipment to oil and gas production and refinery enterprises. The company carries out a full production cycle: from development and design to verification and packaging, and also provide installation supervision and on-site commissioning services. The company has a modern technological and metrological base and all necessary equipment for check-out testing. Qualified personnel, technological processes and production cycle are approved and certified not only in accordance with Russian, but also with European and international standards.



Российская Федерация, 456518, Челябинская область, Сосновский район, д. Казанцево, ул. Производственная, 7/1, оф. 301/2
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Contact persons of company

  • Костарева Светлана
    Костарева Светлана
    Руководитель отдела маркетинга
  • Цибизов Юрий
    Цибизов Юрий
    Региональный представитель по СЗФО

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