MCC Geodor Ltd


MCC Geodor Ltd company
The largest manufacturer of the entire line of geosynthetic materials in the Russian Federation and the CIS.
Competitor of imported companies in terms of implemented innovative solutions and production of materials for the oil and gas industry and mining industries.
Methods for producing geosynthetics - extrusion, injection molding, welding, weaving.
Materials for ballasting technology and devices for pipeline construction, metalworking and sewing production of power fabrics are used.
Every year it launches new types of construction and protective materials made from polymers and compositions onto the market, giving them new useful properties



ООО "ПСК Геодор"

Phone: +7 800 775 30 93
Adress: 413116, Russia, Saratov region, Энгельс, пр-т Химиков, зд. 17

Phone:+7 800 775 30 93
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