Alpika Agro
"Alpika agro" provides services in the field of agribusiness and cooperates with companies producing unique products on which the most effective technologies for the protection and nutrition of garden crops are based.
"Alpika Agro" uses modern technologies, a scientifically based approach, exclusivity of the solutions offered and has been helping its customers to properly allocate investments for a high-quality harvest for more than 12 years.
"Alpika agro" provides services in the field of agribusiness and cooperates with companies producing unique products on which the most effective technologies for the protection and nutrition of garden crops are based.
"Alpika Agro" uses modern technologies, a scientifically based approach, exclusivity of the solutions offered and has been helping its customers to properly allocate investments for a high-quality harvest for more than 12 years.
The company has achieved significant results in the development of new technologies for horticulture, thanks to the extensive knowledge of specialists, ranging from issues of choosing and determining the suitability of plots and ending with technologies for storing fruit products, as well as experience in cultivating various garden crops in a variety of soil and climatic conditions.
Our own accredited laboratory "Агродиагностика" also provides great assistance in achieving high results.
Phone number: 8(861)200-13-02
E-mail: info@alpikaagro.ru
Website: https://alpikaagro.ru