JBT Corporation

JBT DF&H is a leading supplier of Processing Equipment and Packaging Systems for the Fresh Produce, Food and Beverage, Pet Food, and Pharmaceutical/Nutraceutical Industries. Together with Protein, JBT DF&H is part of JBT Foodtech which, together with JBT AeroTech, is part of JBT Corporation. JBT has a long experience of helping processors to improve the quality and shelf life of their ambient shelf stable and refrigerated dairy products.

JBT DF&H is a leading supplier of Processing Equipment and Packaging Systems for the Fresh Produce, Food and Beverage, Pet Food, and Pharmaceutical/Nutraceutical Industries. Together with Protein, JBT DF&H is part of JBT Foodtech which, together with JBT AeroTech, is part of JBT Corporation. JBT has a long experience of helping processors to improve the quality and shelf life of their ambient shelf stable and refrigerated dairy products. Whether you are making fresh or ESL (Extended Shelf Life) milk, UHT milk, concentrated milk, cream or dairy-based nutraceuticals, JBT has a proven track record of successfully processing and packaging these sensitive products. JBT has supplied literally thousands of UHT processing systems, aseptic, ultra-clean and conventional filling & closing systems, and batch and continuous in-container sterilization systems. In addition to sales and services offices based in more than 25 countries, we also support our customers through research and technology centers located in North America, South America, Europe, Africa and Asia.

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Соединенные Штаты Америки, Лейкленд, 400 Фаэрвай Авеню Лейкленд, Флорида

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