

Serac designs, assembles and provides packaging solutions (Filling, capping and blow molding machines, turnkey lines) to industrial companies and end-users, mainly in dairy products, edible oil and home and personal care products. Serac has 6 factories and 10 sales offices. More than 5,800 machines have already been installed in more than 120 countries. The packaging solutions market is in a constant state of evolution, shaped by new consumption trends, emerging regulations and a shifting geopolitical context.

Serac designs, assembles and provides packaging solutions (Filling, capping and blow molding machines, turnkey lines) to industrial companies and end-users, mainly in dairy products, edible oil and home and personal care products. Serac has 6 factories and 10 sales offices. More than 5,800 machines have already been installed in more than 120 countries. The packaging solutions market is in a constant state of evolution, shaped by new consumption trends, emerging regulations and a shifting geopolitical context. With its broad international influence, extensive expertise and strong local presence, Serac truly understands how to adapt to these market specificities as well as to the needs of our customers. To this end, our teams are dedicated to helping customers reach their performance, profitability and sustainability goals. While innovation remains at the heart of our development, our strength really lies in the ambition and energy of our sales and technology teams, always at the ready to find the best solutions for our customers and anticipate their needs. Every machine we build is the result of the expertise of our talented employees, committed to bringing you the best solution, from the design phase up to the maintenance. For 50 years, our success has been driven by the challenges we face and overcome

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