
Perfect Agriculture - Research and Production analytical magazine, which highlights issues of many sectors of agriculture. It pays more attention to economics and finance, as well as discusses the best practices and technologies in the various fields of agribusiness in Russia and abroad. The magazine is published c 2009 accredited in the State Duma and the Federation Council. Distributed by free direct mailing addresses in agribusiness, agricultural institutions, ministries, departments, etc.

Perfect Agriculture - Research and Production analytical magazine, which highlights issues of many sectors of agriculture. It pays more attention to economics and finance, as well as discusses the best practices and technologies in the various fields of agribusiness in Russia and abroad. The magazine is published c 2009 accredited in the State Duma and the Federation Council. Distributed by free direct mailing addresses in agribusiness, agricultural institutions, ministries, departments, etc. on the basis of the log of 13,000 organizations. And also - by subscription and at more than 15 events in Russia and abroad every year. Since 2013, special issues are published on animal under the title "Special Project" ANIMAL " Address: Moscow, Alley 1st Mayovka, 15, office 204 e-mail:;  t. +7 (499) 374-71-10 bw + 7 (903) 796-44-25

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